ATACS 5100 A/B(GPI 538-1011-05) comprise a two-component epoxy/polyamide to be mixed in equal parts(by weight) prior to use. Each component and the mixed adhesive, conform to Boeing Airplane Company specification BMS 5-126G, Type II, Class. 1 Grade A for bonding of non-structural aircraft components.

Unmixed kits in original containers are guaranteed for two years from date of manufacture if stored between 40 degrees F. to 90 degrees F.


  • For Bonding non-structural aircraft component


    • Part A 750-1400 cps spindle #2@2,077°F+/- 5
    • Part B 1500-2600 cps spindle #3@2,167°F +/-2
    • BMS Table II Test #1 Avg. 3210
    • BMS Table II Test #7 Avg. 112


Atacs Products, Inc takes no responsibility for determining what measures are required for personal protection in any specific application. The general information given should be used descretion.

Avoid contact with eyes, wear goggles if ther is a likelihood of contact with eyes.
Respiratory Protection. In outdoor or open areas use (NIOSH?MSHA approved) mechanical filter respirator to remove solid airborne particles or ove spray during spray application. In restricted ventilation areas use(NIOSH/MSHA)air line type respirators or hoods. Respiratory protection may also be necessary in any later manufacturing operations in which the product may become airborne in the form of vapor or dust.
Protective Gloves. Required for prolonged or repeated contact. Wear resistant gloves such as natural rubber, neoprene, buan N or nitrile. An apron should be worn to avoid skin contact.


  • Mix equal parts by weight.